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Modell Based Decision Support Systems


Traditional ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing) system​s are getting on in years. They are not suited for real time applications (like in the Internet of Things) as they are batch based and not event based and by that are, like a stopped clock, really up to date with the world only once in a while. They are hardly modularised as they are not based on modern micro service architectures. They are not open and thus you are trapped in proprietary data formats, protocols and interfaces. This is technology from the seventies - not Future-Ready and not even Present-Ready.


These shortcomings are addressed by various modern ERP, CRM and the like systems (we call them conveniently "ERP systems").


But none of them, even the modern ones, is meeting the needs for business model evaluations embedded within ERP systems. This is a severe competitive disadvantage in the accelerating business world where to find and implement new niches and business models is key. The usual approach is to hire a consulting company which is producing some power point slides, pdf documents or excel files describing new business opportunities but leaves you alone with implementing them within your ERP system.


This is where our Model Based ERP System OiC.OS enters the scene:


How to replace the power point slides with the real prevalent business model and data buried somewhere in your xls files and ERP system and how to make new candidate business model simulation part of your everyday process to face new challenges from politics and new technologies?


These are the challenges we want to solve for and with you with our technologies.


Think about the following scenarios:


In the past


Your company is the world leader in landline telephony. Then mobile phones capable of TCP/IP for internet connections become available. You need to simulate Voice over IP as a business model as well as others like internet data flat rates or music streaming offers. You need a) to formulate the new production function (business model) of your company based on real historical data and processes b) you need to simulate what-if-scenarios of different business models including the implications down to the level of billing and up to the level of balance sheets in real time and any point in the future. If your company does have such a system any incumbent company will have hard times to push you out of the market. If you don't - your company is doomed. If the new technology is disruptive (as defined by Clayton Christensen) you also need to take into consideration to serve two markets in parallel - even more simulations needed.


In the present


You are running a renewable energy company, like a producer of wind or solar energy, the hardware manufacturer for these systems or you are in the distribution channel. In any case you are faced with a fast paced changing regulatory environment (energy communities are allowed, energy prices are no longer regulated and constant) and an accelerating development of new technologies (batteries are becoming cheaper and cheaper). All these processes imply ever new business opportunities across countries (communities in Poland but not in Germany), time (anticipate Infrastructure as a Service) and the value chain (add batteries to wind and solar parks). Your success is mainly driven by spotting new business opportunities and the time you need to implement them and offer new products to your clients.


In the future


We are envisioning that these developments will drive us into the era of Model based ERP Systems. We are calling our product in this sphere OiC.OS - the operating system to run households (companies, administrations, cooperatives, ...) with an integrated model evaluation toolbox integrated with any other IT system you have to run your organisation.


Beside the model based approach to company management our mathematical approach to economic and social systems will give you an edge over the coming needs for sustainable economies: accounting and organisation in line with natural and biological processes. Doing economics not inline with biology is doomed to fail.

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